During an intensive with victoria perez, we were asked to intuitively collect 10 images which would be used as our 'tarot cards' - that is, they will be read by others for us and help shape the direction and form of our future upcoming work.
here are a few of the most relevent images that i selected and later used in my work, followed by a description of the way in which those tarot cards are to be read.

Tarot card excersize

The project teller watches the images closely – ½ an hour

Look for:
What do they have in common? Is there a territory or an issue?
What are the differences? Can we make subgroups? What would each be about?
Which ones don't fit and why?

Axises of organization
Hierarchy – figures of death, crisis, knight, fool, magician – take some figure that has a special power and interpret how does one figure have a superior relationship, a say over other pictures, a major and a minor

Topic, or object of study – clear and concrete or not so
Body -how does the body relate to the project

Gaze – also referring to audience and who's looking/following this project
Me – me the person who's doing the project, what's my position in pertain to the project – am I in it or is it about something else

Context – where the project develops and what's it relationship to where it's placed – other questions
Mechanisms/dispositives – if we are able to predict a final dispositive of the piece or see the different mechanism that will be applied in order to develop the project
tarot cards/ victoria perez